You are here to live the life of your dreams.
Deliberately Manifesting - 4 week group coaching program beginning Thursday 2nd May 1:00 pm via Zoom
Connecting you to your inner power, opening your heart to Deliberately Manifest your desires and live the life that you desire.
Five powerful manifesting techniques that will have you living your life deliberately and with intention everyday
. The Power of Receiving
. The Power of Self-belief
. The Power of Allowing and Surrender
. The Power of True Gratitude and Appreciation
. The Power and Magic of Deliberately Manifesting
Deliberately Manifesting with intention and focus so that you can create the magic.
During the 4 weeks you will
- Wake each day full of excitement and anticipation for your day
- Have and hold a cryrstal celar vision of the life YOU want to live
- Develop an unwavering faith in the Universe and know that the Universe will deliver
- Open you heart fully to receive
- Live with more joy, passion and purpose
- Learn how to see beyond the horizon
- The importance of living in gratitude
- Learn how to get out of your own way
- Create easy daily practices
During the 4 sessions of Deliberately Manifesting you will
For just £111 you can deliberately manifest and create the life you dream of having
- Open to the powerful energy of receiving so that the Universe has no doubt about what and where to deliver
- Find the power of your self-belief - change your beliefs and change your world
- Step into the energy of surrender and allowing and getting our of your own way
Become gratiude, deepening your practice and living in appreciation everyday for the life you have and fow what is to come
Deliberately Manifesting - a powerful 4 week group coaching program that will take you to living with deliberate intention and purpose everyday
Here is what you get
- 4 Zoom calls over 4 weeks held on a Thursday at 1:00 pm beginnig on 2nd May
- Daily journal prompts and affirmations delivered to your inbox
- Healing meditation during each session
- A dedicated chat group to connect and ask questions, support and encourage each other
- All sessions are recorded so you don't miss out if you miss the live and then they are yours to keep and go back to